East Meets West in New Brazilian Restaurant in Beijing
The Council for Brazil-China Economic &Trade Promotion (CBCDE)has enthusiastically seized this opportunity to support the Rio Brazilian Restaurant in Beijing.Until now, Council members have felt that Beijing lacked a uniquely authentic Brazilian dining establishment.
The primary goal of the CBCDE in this endeavor is to expose Chinese people to the Brazilian culture. Supporti-ve of the design, ambiance, and cuisine of the Rio Brazi-lian Restaurant, the CBCDE is confident that patrons will take a piece of the Brazilian way of life home with them. CBCDE members are particularly fond of such intricacies as the authentic Latin music, imported Brazilian coffee beans, and the"Rio Show-Grill"portion of the Restaurant which displays a unique entertaining show of their food preparation. And with an unusually clean environment and up to eighteen styles of meat commonly prepared in Brazil , Council members expect the Rio Brazilian Restaurant to appeal to foreigners living in Beijing as well.
Working in close cooperation with the Council for Brazil-China Economic & Trade Promotion,The Beijing Capital City Commerce Planning Academy(CCC)is proud to sponsor the Rio Brazilian Restaurant.The CCC is responsible for creating feasible and strategic urban development plans for local city governments throughout China,and they are particula-rly optimistic about the future of the Rio Brazilian Res-taurant in Beijing.Acting under the suggestions and ideas of CBCDE members,CCC is excited to offer this multicultu-ral addition to China .