北京元坤偉業科技有限公司是北京海淀中關村科技園區高新技術企業,是經營模擬器件、通信器件和光電器件的專業化公司是專業化的電子元器件供應商,世界許多著名公司的經銷商。其中包括美國安捷倫科技有限公司(Agilent Technologies)(HP),德州儀器公司( Texas Instrument Inc.,簡稱TI),研諾邏輯科技有限公司(Advanced Analog Technologies Inc.,簡稱AATI)和模擬器件公司(Analog Devices Inc.,簡稱ADI),是德國Delinger公司中國總經銷,是國外多家著名電子廠商:美國美信公司、德國西門康公司、德國飛利浦公司、美國快捷公司、美國IR公司現代功率器件等著名IC 制造商在中國的特約經銷商.所經營現貨品種和數量之多,服務之優質,技術之先進,贏得了國內廣大用戶的青睞.
在IC集成電路行業具有很強的知名度,與國際電子著名廠家:Onsemi、Fairchild、TOSHIBA、HIT、MIT、NS、TI、MAX、ADI、PH、Intersil等有長期的合作關系,可從德國、美國、歐洲、日本、加拿大和香港直接進貨,公司長期備有大量現貨, 保證充足貨源。
售后服務:我公司有專業的工程師提供技術支持,并備有質量保證書、技術參數等專業資料。 公司以薄利多銷為經營理念,竭誠為廣大用戶提供的服務。公司全體員工歡迎您的垂詢! 公司將自己定位為專業的技術開發與服務公司,以市場為導向,以服務為宗旨,真誠面對每一個客戶。
Beijing Yuankun Universe Science Technology Co,Ltd is a high-tech enterprise in the Zhongguancun Science Technology Plot at Haidian District of Beijing; it is a specialized company engaged in immigrating devices, communication devices and electronic devices; it is a specialized supplier for electronic devices and components and the agent of many famous companies in the world including Agilest Technologies Co. Ltd (HP) of USA, Texas Instrument Inc.(TI), Advanced Analog Technologies Inc.(AATI), Analog Devices Inc(ADI); it is also the general agent of Delinger Company of Germany in China; it is also the special agent of many famous electronic companies in China, such as Messon of USA, Siemens of Germany, Phillips of Germany, Express of USA, IR Company of USA, etc. Since the diversity of products with plenty of quantity and excellent service with advanced techniques, it has won the confidence and entrust of large amount of users.
The company has got a high popularity in IC business, setting up a long-term cooperation relationship with numbers of international famous electronic companies, such as Onsemi、Fairchild、TOSHIBA、HIT、MIT、NS、TI、MAX、ADI、PH、Intersil, etc., whereas it may directly make orders at any time from Germany, USA, Europe, Japan, Canada and Hong Kong; the large amount of on-hand merchandise may guarantee the satisfied supply of goods.
Our company is professionally engaged in power switches, power invertors, power transformation, communication power resources, vehicle-loaded power resources, welders, transformer, motor controller, etc. All kind of services will be offered by the company with high business credit in the high-tech markets, such as fire-fighting, instrument and meter, communication, ship industry, automatic control, and military scientific research. The company possesses perfect management system and strong matching ability.
Characters of the company: strong selling network, various kinds of series famous brand components and power devices; it can also seek rarely produced product for users. Whatever they are electronic plants, institutes or dealers, you may find what you want.
Aim of management: Original assembled real product, quality guarantee, deliver on time, preference price.
Post-selling service: Technological supporting would be offered by professional engineers in the company with special data like quality guarantee document and technological parameters
The principal of the company is to sell more products with thin profits, do our best to offer all kind of services. All staffs would welcome your any kind requirement.
The company would pay great attention to renew and rise. Large amount of fund is input every year, in order to carries out advanced exploiting and research for the relative technologies and the up-to-date communication technologies.
The company aimed itself as a company of professional technological development and service, led by the market, aimed for service, sincerely facing every user.
"Advanced products, perfect service, sincere service, succeeding together with you" are advocated by Beijing Yuankun Universe Science Technology Co,Ltd, they are also the tenet received and continued by all staffs. With the unique management method, relying on the continuous effort from all staffs, offering new devices, growth of technology, continuously increasing amount of selling, Beijing Yuankun Universe Science Technology Co,Ltd has primarily formed a complete selling system all over the country and become a famous supplier for devices and components.