Foreign managed fast growing, dynamic wine importer and distributer seeking passionate, highly motivated, aggressive individual to fill the position of Marketing Assistant.
Based in Beijing and reporting to the Marketing Manager. We offer a stimulating work environment for an outgoing individual. Primary responsibility will be assisting Marketing Manager to arrange marketing issues including wine dinner, wine fair, wine training for trade customers, arrange visit schedule for winery visitors.
We are willing to provide best-in-market package to the right candidate – marketing and wine experience essential. Qualified candidates please email your CV with expected salary to ivy@thewinerepublic or danielle@thewinerepublic
我們將為合適人選提供好的工作環境和薪資條件——具備市場經驗和葡萄酒知識者優先。請將您的簡歷及期望薪金發送至 ivy@thewinerepublic 或者danielle@thewinerepublic