UB (China) Co.,Ltd established the Kunshan Plant in 1995 and started its production line at the end of 1997. The plants covers an area of 168,000 sq.m with over 500 staffs and is one of the largest full range manufacturing facilities on office furniture, which was divided into:Steel factory、Wooden factory 、Panel & Chair factory、Logistic department.
Upholding UBOS Inc.’s over 30 years of specialized experience.
Kunshan factory is very stringer in their products’ quality control, design and outlook, safety, practicality, but also material application.
UB insists on using low pollution and recycle material; reject the use of CFC and take on the responsibility of environment protection.
Therefore, within a year after its operation, UB (China) Co., Ltd achieved and gained the SGS ISO 9002 in Feb.1998 proving that the manufacturing process met the international standard. In addition, UB China factory gained ISO9001 in April 2003 and ISO 14001 in 2005.
優比(中國)有限公司于公元1995年立項設廠,進行基建工程,并于1997年7月正式投市,注冊資本2044萬美元,總投資額3000萬美元。為東南亞大的辦公家具廠商,是優美股份有限公司繼日本、新加坡、香港后在亞洲所投入的另一市場。緊鄰上海的優比昆山廠占地168,000平方米,現有員工五百多人,是全系列產品生產的綜合制造廠。 工廠秉承生產技術之精華、勵精圖治,為顧客提供舒適、**率的辦公環境,并為提升顧客之企業形象不遺余力。
經過三十年的發展,現已成為亞洲大的辦公家具制造商,行銷網路遍及各國,包含、香港、新加坡及馬來西亞等數十個國家與城市,并已獲得DNV ISO9002及SGS ISO9002等國際認證,并于2003年4月份獲得ISO9001認證。優比中國將秉持[至誠無息]之經營理念,為顧客提供的服務。