As the advancement of global economy and industrialization, People’s living standard has been greatly improved, but the environment on which the human being are dependant upon has been deteriorated. Like the environment disorder, greenhouse effect etc. Our Globe is suffering by the destruction of human evolution! Our environment needs protection. Zero tolerance to the deterioration of our Planet Earth …
InterHua Environmental Energy Science and Technology Development LTD is Sole Capital Corporation run by British investors. InterHua owns advanced technology on environment protection from Great Briton. Effort has been focused on exploration and application of environment protection technologies. Corporation has powerful technical expertise possessing lots of new biological technologies and specialists or consultants on environment protection engineering. InterHua facilitates advanced ideology for the sales and services by providing complete technical support and services after sale for our clients. She will make great dedication to the cause of China’s environment protection !
Our efforts have been concentrated on the environment protection since we are enthusiastic on this career. We have passion to our joint homeland.