NaviAsia SCSG China is committed to create superior value to our U.S. based customers by effectively managing their strategic sourcing from China and
providing the end-to-end China supply chain solution.
With our experienced engineers, production managers and logistic experts, NaviAsia SCSG China is assisting our customers in supplier identification, long-term supply base set-up and improvement, new product development, volume manufacturing, quality assurance and logistic management.
NaviAsia SCSG China has helped our customers establish supply bases across China for specialty chemical products, injection/blow molded plastic products,
processed/fabricated metal parts, and electric/electronic parts and assemblies.
Nowadays, NaviAsia SCSG China is providing millions of dollars worth of products to worldwide leaders in automobile, cosmetics, electronics, and other consumer and industrial sectors.
NaviAsia SCSG China is looking for highly motivated and self-disciplined team players to join us and share the great potentials!
Naviasia SCSG China (北京亞維世華經貿有限公司)是為在美國的客戶提供點對點供應鏈的公司,通過對于中國境內的供應源頭的有效管理,為他們創造卓越的價值。
NaviAsia scsg china(北京亞維世華經貿有限公司)尋找負上進心,自律,富團隊精神的人員加入我們公司,分享公司的美好未來。