Orica Limited is one of the largest company in Australasia with employees over 15,000 people across 50 countries around the world. Orica Watercare, a division of Orica Limited, is one of the largest supplier of water treatment products in Australia and it supplies a wide range of water and wastewater treatment products and services for municipal and industrial applications in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Asia & Pacific Area.
Along with a comprehensive service program, Orica Watercare offers a range of innovative magnetic ion exchange resins, custom-designed MIEX ? Treatment Systems and packaged M AGNA P AK ? Systems. The combination of this magnetic resin with a unique continuous ion exchange process offered water utilities a cost-effective and environmentally friendly DOC removal process, capable of achieving new standards in water supply quality.
As research and development continued, new applications using MIEX ? Resin quickly presented themselves. As such, a range of specialty resins have been developed that can be applied to water, wastewater, and process streams in both the municipal and industrial markets.
澳瑞凱水處理不斷研發新型磁性離子交換樹脂即MIEX ?(麥克斯)樹脂與獨特的連續離子交換工藝相組合,提供了一種經濟效益好又環保的去除DOC工藝,并能成功達到新飲用水標準。此外我們還為客戶定制設計MIEX ?(麥克斯)系統和標準整機的M AGNA P AK ?設備,并提供工業、市政給水及廢水和工藝用水領域的綜合服務方案。
2010年澳瑞凱澳大利亞私人有限公司(Orica Australia Pty Ltd)與中國水務投資有限公司(China Water Investment Co., ltd)共同出資組建北京中澳澳凱水處理技術設備有限公司(Orica Water China),其主要任務是在大中國地區推廣MIEX(麥克斯)磁性離子交換樹脂水處理技術及工程應用以及開拓其他水處理系統的工程設計與應用,公司總部設在北京。