Profile of Zonbo Media Co., Ltd.
Zonbo Media Co., Ltd. is a professional media company engaged in investment, production, and distribution of film, drama, and online interactive business of film and drama. Based in China and with Asian market as the center of international business, Zonbo has distributed and invested various kinds of good films and dramas. Meanwhile, it is actively involved in the development, production, and promotion of various films and dramas in streaming media form on Internet.
From 1998, most works invested and produced by Zonbo Media have achieved outstanding results. Film “Crying Fist” won “the international Critics Prize in Director Fortnight Session” at the 58th Cannes Film Festival in 2005. And film “Devils on the Doorstep” won Jury Prize of the 53rd Cannes Film Festival in 2000.
Zonbo Media began to enter new media business with Internet, mobile platform, etc as its broadcasting medium. Zonbo Media produced the first cell phone specific short films collection, which has led to the trend of new media short films in China. And Zonbo Media also created the concept of Bokee film and became the leader of the trend of interactive participation in new media works. At present, various kinds of short films led by “Zonbo Short Film” are released on all kinds of new technology platforms.
With innovation and accumulation, Zonbo Media targets to be the most powerful supplier and operator of streaming media films. Based on the interactive development between new media business and traditional film and drama business, Zonbo Media has become one of the most influential companies in media industry with fastest growth in China and even the whole Asia.
一個新媒體的誕生必將創造一種全新的文化形態,從《東北人都是活雷鋒》的falsh到《老鼠愛大米》形成的網絡歌曲狂潮,再到中國**套手機電影 《聚焦這一刻》歷史性地開創中國新媒體電影短片的先河,這個流動的新媒體向世人展現了它獨特的藝術特征和旺盛的青春活力。