北京長吉加油設備有限公司(以下簡稱長吉公司)成立于1994年10月7日, 是美國丹納赫集團(danaher)旗下的美國大的加油機生產商吉爾巴克公司(gilbarco)在華的全資子公司。 .丹納赫集團公司是一個擁有50億美元年銷售額的美國上市公司, 位列美國財富雜志500強。它旗下擁有吉爾巴克(gilbarco)、維德路特(veeder-root)、紅夾克(red jacket)等一批**著名品牌。 長吉公司將吉爾巴克公司世界的優質產品級技術服務帶到中國,依托吉爾巴克公司遍布**的研發機構, 長吉一致致力于為客戶提供優質可靠的產品,長吉產品經過近十年的打造和市場的考驗,已成為中國加油機行業的著名品牌,其質量的穩定性和技術的先進性得到了廣大用戶的認可,這源于先進的技術設備;精益的生產管理;完善的質量管理:長吉公司于1997年4月30日通過了由英國勞氏船級社iso9002國際認證,并于2003年4月順利完成iso9001:2000版的切換,取得了中國國產加油機通往世界的證書;長吉公司還通過了美國電工安全委員會的安全認證,即ul認證,取得了向美國返銷零備件的資格。 .長吉公司為國內外提供包括加油機、油站管理系統、智能ic卡系統、液位儀、潛泵即其它相關設備在內現代化加油站的全套產品和服務。在于“中石油”、“中石化”建立良好合作關系,在國內建立了眾多星級加油站,并將產品遠銷到歐、美、亞、非等30多個國家和地區。 .為實現加油機的更新換代,實現加油站管理的現代化,長吉公司能夠提供具有國際水平的全套加油站建設方案,并提供實施方案所需的相關設備。產品先后出口到美國、孟加拉國、越南、泰國、蒙古、意大利、韓國、印度尼西亞、尼日利亞、烏干達、埃及、希臘、英國、澳大利亞等30多個國家和地區。為目前國內此行業大的出口型企業。 .長吉公司愿以國際品牌的質量,值得信賴的服務與您共創美好未來。 .established in october 1994, gilbarco china (beijing chang gi service station equipment co., ltd. hereafter referred to as chang gi) is a branch company solely owned by gilbarco inc. (the largest retail petroleum equipment manufacturer in us) in china. gilbarco inc.is the subordinate company of danaher corporation. the continual transfer of gilbarco's world-class technology and global r&d; is the primary reason chang gi product is the benchmark for relability in both dispensing equipment and retail station management systems in china. .gilbarco, along with other petroleum equipment manufacturers such as veeder-root and red jacket, are part of the process/environmental controls group of the danaher corporation, a us forune 500 company. .chang gi passed the iso9002 certification process with england lloyd's audinting team early on april of 2003, chang gi passed the re-certificate for iso9001: 2000process, which becomes a strong support to chang gi products. chang gi is among the few in the field of the domestic market who can rovide the key components for the us. .with more than 10 years of manufacturing experience and development, chang gi has become a famous leading benchmark in dispenser manufacturing industry in china and enjoyed a good reputation for our high quality and technology contents. in china, chang gi products are marketed in all provinces and cities. our market abroad covers more than 30 countries and regions, which makes us the largest exporter iin this field in china. the countries include bangladesh, india, indonesia, laos, malaysia, mongolia, pakistan, philippines, singapore, sri lanka, thailand, vietnam, angola, bahrain, cameroon, egypt, ghana, kenya, mauritania, nigeria, tanzania, united arab emirates, uganda, zimbabwe, south africa, greece and etc. we also supply parts to gilbarco affiliates in the us, england, germany, italy and etc. .it is our intentiion through innovation and continuous improvement to maintain our product leadership and be the benchmark for reliability among manufacturers in china. .please visit our website for more information. .changgi-cn .gilbarco