北京中聯賀祥貿易有限公司成立于2002年6月,是一家致力于安檢、防爆排爆、反恐偵察等裝備研制和銷售的現代企業。公司始終堅持“質量為本,誠信至上”的經營宗旨,努力開發、引進先進的產品和技術,為國家的安全事業做出應有的貢獻。產品廣泛應用于公安、法院、部隊、消防、交通、以及各種政府機構和廠礦企業。.about the company.beijing zhonglian hexiang (zlhx) trading co.,ltd was established in june 2002.we were well established in highly competitive market. the company focuses on supplying specialist security equipment such as eod & search equipments, police & special forces,cctv, spy & anti-spy and personal/property protection etc. our vision is to deliver the latest products and technology at great price to our customers, even more important is the quality of our products and professional service. we believe it is important to stock the products in our warehouse. our products have wide range of customers such as police forces, important government departments, embassies, and some big firm companies..our team looks forward to discussing your requirements further.