Zespa Media (紫葩傳媒)成立于2010年,主要業務是為中國市場在海外尋找合適的電視節目及模式。總部設在倫敦,在北京擁有辦事處,紫葩傳媒與中國國家級及省級的主要國有、商業廣播公司,國內的出版商以及其他媒體集團有穩定的合作關系。紫葩傳媒為希望進入中國市場銷售節目及其形式的制片人,權力相關方和發行商提供咨詢及代理服務。
Zespa Media was established in 2010 to identify international TV programs and formats which are suitable for the Chinese market. With offices in London and Beijing, the Company has well-established relationships with the major state-controlled and commercial broadcasters at the national and provincial level, leading publishers and other media groups in the People’s Republic of China.
Zespa Media works with producers, rights-holders and distributors looking to license and develop programs and formats in China. With a deep understanding of the Chinese TV market and key regulatory, political and cultural sensitivities, Zespa Media is well placed to advise clients on which of their properties are suitable for China and how they may be adapted to suit local tastes. The Company acts as cultural interpreter, facilitates genuine creative collaborations, helps international clients negotiate the best terms with Chinese broadcasters and acts as Consultant Producer on the Chinese versions of the formats.