北緯66度挪威餐廳,是北京一家挪威特色餐廳。餐廳以北歐特色的裝修風格,以挪威三文魚和鱈魚為主打,餐廳的行政總廚為挪威名廚——“Arctic Menu” 獲得者Mr. Morten,他遵循了挪威傳統的烹飪方法,又吸取了法餐的精華,菜品在中國進一步得到了改良,創造出了獨特的北極風味。我們餐廳和SAS皇家大酒店的海產品均由同一挪威海產局代理商直接空運供應,保證了新鮮、純正的品質。
66°North Norwegian Restaurant is the first restaurant with Norwegian tradition in Beijing, focus on Norwegian seafood – Norwegian Salmon and Cod. We invited Mr. Morten Anderson, the famous chef in Norway as our Executive Chef, who was awarded Norwegian “Arctic Menu” prize. He followed the method of cooking with Norwegian tradition, and absorbed the French quintessential, making the dishes further improved in China, creating an unique flavor of the Arctic. The Salmon, Cod, Halibut and other seafood products are provided by the agents of the Norwegian Seafood Export Council directly by air, to ensure its fresh and pure quality.
Since the opening of the restaurant, various events have been organized successfully, including Norwegian National Petroleum Reception, Five Nations Conference of North Europe, SAS Thank You Reception, and Shandong Business Council Conference etc. The restaurant is the first one to be advocated by The Royal Norwegian Embassy, and it is gradually became the gathering place of Norwegian.
The restaurant is located at the main opposite side to the east gate of Beijing Worker’s Stadium, 25 tables set up, which can accommodate 100 people, the consumers are mainly from North Europe and fashionable white collars in Beijing.
Recommended food: Arctic Seafood hors d' oeuvres, Norwegian Salmon, Cod, Halibut
推薦酒水:挪威的茅臺Linie Aquavit,挪威VOSS水。
Recommended beverage: Norwegian Alcohol – Linie Aquavit, Norwegian Mineral Water – VOSS
Add: Room 6-202, No. 2 Gong Ti East Road, Beijing (2/F, opposite side to the East Gate of Worker’s stadium)
電話:010 – 8587 1111 8587 1101
Tel: 010 – 8587 1111 8587 1101