畢威特公司建于1993年,目的在于把各種組織改善的方法變為一套連貫的模型以便獲得和持續的商業成果。我們是一家**咨詢公司,幫助商務組織達到新的成功和增長水平。.我們在流程改善和商業流程管理方面的出色技能使我們很早就成為業界的領軍企業。在過去的幾年中,我們的領導力思想極大的影響了該行業并且使我們有幸與很多享譽世界的公司合作。我們的**本出版物《六西格瑪管理法》發行于2000年,隨后被《福布斯》提名為過去20年中十大具影響力的商業圖書之一。.在過去的幾年中,我們的業務領域不斷擴大,涵蓋了精益六西格瑪和其他方法,比如商業流程管理。近,畢威特公司發布了一個結合變革領導力?的寬領域的咨詢和培訓系統,這個全面的系統能夠提供面向全部組織成員——從高級執行者到一線員工——的領導力、診斷和變革執行力等方面的咨詢和培訓。.我們的優勢在于我們的員工、和為幫助我們的客戶在21世紀成功應對變革挑戰的熱情。. pivotal resources was founded in 1993 with the vision of linking diverse organizational improvement methods into a cohesive model for achieving significant and lasting business results. we are a global consulting firm helping organizations like yours reach new levels of success and growth.. our foundation in process improvement and business process management set us apart early as a leader in the industry. over the years, our thought leadership has greatly influenced the industry and allowed us the good fortune of working with many of the world's most respected companies. our first major publication, the six sigma way, was released in 2000 and was later named by forbes as one of the 10 most influential business titles of the past 20 years.. over the years, we've expanded our services to include lean six sigma and other proven methodologies such as business process management. most recently, pivotal resources has launched an expanded suite of consulting & training services with our change leadership? system. this comprehensive system provides leadership, diagnostic and change execution offerings geared toward the entire organization, from senior executives to the front-line.. our strengths are our people, expertise and enthusiasm for helping our clients successfully meet the challenges of change in the 21st century.