welcome to rongxin fireplace co.,ltd. with the popularity of bio ethanol, our factory developed stainless steel bio-ethanol fireplaces,iron bio-ethanol fireplaces,and glass bio-ethanol fireplaces. one of the most important is our factory produced fully automatic remote control smart alcohol fireplace ,the hotel fireplace and ethanol smart remote control fireplace .all of this style can be produced on the basis of customers.stain steel is used 304 material and the style is beautifull and gorgeousness.multiple security protection and automatic alcohol add make you feel at ease and free from worry .you can feel romantic and warm that the real fire brings .
you are welcome to call, fax or email us. you can take our designs and we also can make fireplaces for you according to the drawings, photos or pictures. the sizes can be adjusted according to your requests.
please do not hesitate to contact us!
contact person: mr liang , miss cai
ition: foreign sales manager
mp: 0086-13852567015,0514-88982685
email: rongxin@hbeglass.cn
qq: 929137483 1010618292
http://www.biofuelfire.com.cn , www.hbeglass.cn
歡迎光臨榮鑫特種工藝禮品有限公司。隨著環保酒精使用的日益盛行,我們公司研制開發了不銹鋼酒精壁爐,鐵制酒精壁爐以及玻璃酒精壁爐。其中重點研制開發了全自動遙控智能酒精壁爐,酒店會所壁爐,乙醇智能遙控壁爐產品,樣式可以按照客戶要求定制生產,不銹鋼304材料,樣式美觀漂亮,豪華氣派,多項安全保護,自動酒精添加,讓您用的安心,放心,省心。讓您體驗真火代來的浪漫和溫暖,來樣來圖加工生產,代為設計,可選組裝。歡迎您來人來電洽談合作。本人聯系電話及方法:13852567015, 051488982685,qq929137483 ,旺旺 :hbeglass email:929137483@qq.com,wab:www.hbeglass.cn