十年電子半導體生產與代理銷售,在電子行業的經營經驗豐富。由于業務需要,2012年3月22日在華強北成立了深圳市嘉里程電子有限公司,公司電子產品在全國各地銷售,并且遠銷出口**市場。產品廣泛應用于民用,工業等不同要求的領域。為國內外廠家,經銷商提供優質服務。經過多年努力,公司與多家元器件生產廠商及代理銷售機構建立了良好的合作關系。信譽高,品種全,質量好,價格低,交貨快捷,使我司在同行業中脫穎而出,贏得不少客戶的信任與支持,以全國各地為主市場,業務遍布**各地。公司熱忱歡迎國內外經銷商,廠商前來洽談合作,共謀發展。Canisen Electronics Co.,LTD is one of the industry's fastest growing global catalog and online semiconductor and electronic component distributors. Canisen is a company dedicated to supplying design engineers and buyers with the newest products and leading-edge technologies combined with unsurpassed customer service and worldwide support. With a keen focus on design engineers and buyers demanding the latest products, Canisen is redefining customer-focused distribution.
Canisenis committed to making the experience of component purchasing fast, easy and informative. We hope that these tools simplify your jobs significantly. If you have any suggestions about current tools and functionality or ideas for new ones, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'd love to hear from you! Email:hongshengyuan@yahoo.com.hk