我們將一如既往,開拓創新,堅持“業精于勤,誠信為本”的企業宗旨不斷增強參與市場競爭的實力,并積極拓展與國內外同仁的合作,創建國際化產業、為營造行業知名品牌而努力拼搏!歡迎海內外客商來人來電,共謀發展! chaoan chuangyu stainless steel co., ltd. was set up in 1996, located in caitang,"the kingdom of stainless steel". our company
specializes in the manufacture of stainless steel kitchenware that is appreciated throughout north america, middle east, europe and asia.
our leading products are all kinds of stainless steel cookware sets, stainless steel stock pot, stainless steel kettles, cutlery sets and
steam pots. we can supply stainless steel house ware, such as round trays, plates, thermal pots, ashtrays, garbage bins, tea pots, chafing
dishes,buffet stoves, dinner plates, thermos,stainless steel buckets, stainless steel spoons, forks, knives,bowls,soup basins, and vacuum
our company believes in "customer first, highest quality and the creation of the best products possible,"and warmly welcomes custo-
mers old and new to contact us with their inquiries.
we sincerely invite clients from domestic and overseas to contact us and make trial orders.