Welcome to Perfect Potion
I am excited to share with you my passion for aromatherapy and a holistic way of life.
There is a growing awareness that we have to take responsibility for the world in which we live, and an increasing desire for a more holistic approach to our wellbeing. We now appreciate the delicate balance of nature and strive to maintain this harmony by using natural products that are nurturing to us and are safe to nature.
The Perfect Potion team is dedicated to creating an innovative and diverse range of holistic natural aromatherapy products that not only nurtures the body, mind and spirit but also respects the delicate balance of our environment.
Perfect Potion's certified natural skincare preparations use certified organic essential oils and plant extracts that offer a gentle and holistic approach to personal wellbeing and revitalise and harmonise body, soul and spirit.
We have established a standard to which others can only aspire with a philosophy that harmonises social and environmental concerns with aesthetic appreciation.
Perfect Potion澳蘭優方是澳大利亞首家獲得國際有機認證的全自然護膚品,品牌創立之初就堅持以天然嚴苛的標準制造對人類有益的健康護膚產品。不僅獲得德國BDIH和澳洲ACO雙有機認證,更享有澳洲政府藥物管理局 (Therapeutic Goods Administration T.G.A) 生產質量高認證。現今除了在澳洲悉尼、墨爾本、布里斯班銷售外,已經在歐洲、美洲、亞洲建立了銷售網絡,并在英國、新西蘭、日本、、新加坡持續風靡。在品牌創立20周年之際,終于進駐中國市場。用高標準制作對人體和環境完全無污染、無添加的有機保養品,是我們永遠的堅持和信念。