年 薪:人民幣25萬元左右
1, 基本工資:每月基本工資為人民幣6000-8000元左右。
Basic Monthly Salary: USD 1000-1300/ tax free in some countries
2, 年終花紅:年終花紅因航空公司每年的年終財務狀況而定。
Annual Bonus: Availability upon annual profits
3, 駐外補貼:駐外補貼因停留的國家和時間長短不同而不同,每月補貼在1000-3000元左右。
Layover Expenses: Meal allowances are paid in the currency of the country of night stop. Transport to & from the airport, and hotel accommodation is provided by the company.
4, 飛行小時費:每月飛行小時費為人民幣10000元左右(按每小時100元,每月飛行100小時計算)。
Flying Pay: Is paid on an hourly basis, between chocks off and chocks on. From USD15 to 24
5, 航班表:班表按月發出,每月低休息天數為8天,飛行小時為70-100小時不等
Roster: Monthly roster -Minimum 8 days off (not simultaneously) flying hours would be approximately 70 - 100 hours per month.
Leave/Leave Travel: Crew are entitled to 30 calendar days leave per year. One firm free annual leave ticket is provided to your country of origin. After certain years of service according to the company this may be taken to any destination within airline network
Concessionary Travel: Staff travel benefits on Airline can be availed as follows:
Concessionary travel facilities available for staff and family members
- An unlimited number of 90% sub load tickets available on completing probation (6months)
-An unlimited number of 50% firm tickets available from day 1 of joining .
Insurance: Clinic looks after the medical needs of all crew. All Cabin Crew employees are insured on a 24 hour world-wide basis under a life insurance policy which provides for a lump sum benefit equal to 24-48 months basic salary in the event of death due to sickness or to an accident .
4. 職業發展:航空公司提供大量**頂級的課堂和線上學制教育平臺,供乘務員提升自身職業素養和發展前景
Career Development: There is a huge amount of world-class job-related training, both classroom based and online. For employee who wishes to undertake further training at their own initiative, they can access online courses via the internet or through the Crew Learning Resource Centre accordingly.
Advance Money: Upon reaching Destination, each new joiner receives a certain amount of money. And it will be deducted from crew salary in instalments over given months.
2. 航空公司提供免費的空乘制服,以及相關的洗滌服務。
Uniform: Provided by the company and dry cleaned free of charge at designated laundry outlets in base city only.
3. 航空公司提供免費的工作餐食
Crew Meal : Available on flights with choices
4. 航空公司提供免費的精裝修公寓,并配有健身娛樂設施,極少數不提供住宿的航空公司將發放住房補貼。
Accommodation: Furnished air conditioned accommodation provided. Each apartment block has leisure facilities. You are also entitled to apply for the “live out” allowance
5. 機場與公寓的往返交通免費或者給與補貼
Transport: The Company provides transport to/from work and company provided accommodation.
6. 部分旅游和購物折扣:可享受部分航空公司提供的旅游、購物和酒店住宿等折扣。
Discount : entitled to crew upon presentation of Company ID in Duty Free Shops in the airports ,hotels and other corporates accordingly.
咨詢電話:028-81430229 / 028-86663164
官方微博: “貝茨外航空乘培訓教育”
20路,37路 152路(紅星廣場北下)