黑慕道于2012年成立,我們專注于為客戶提供各種原創 角色設計、場景概念設計、宣傳海報、物件道具設計、ICON等所有2D繪制服務。團隊成員來自各大游戲公司和研發團隊,熟悉項目和美術制作的開發流程。我們擁有豐富的手游及端游項目制作經驗,游戲類型包括:MMO RPG、SNS、ACT等,并涉及到交互社區、古裝武俠、軍事科幻和休閑娛樂等多方面題材。參與的項目有:《夢幻西游》《武魂》《大話西游》《黑金》《太陽風暴》《龍之力量》、《天命幻想》、《斯巴達》、《王者帝國》等等,同時黑慕道持續的跟網易,蝸牛、數字天空、Top4fun 、艾塔等公司合作,為其提供角色設計、頭像繪制、ICON設計等制作。
Humidor was founded in 2012, we are specialized in providing many kinds of designs ,such as original characters, concept scene, posters, objects, props, ICON and all 2D rendering services for the customers. Every member of our team is from senior game companies and R&D teams which are familiar with the process of game project and art creation. We have extensive experiences in the field of Mobile and PC Game projects like MMO RPG, SNS, ACT etc, which involve inter active community, costume martial arts, military and science fiction, casual game play etc. the games including: Fantasy Westward Journey, Spirit of Fighting, A Chinese Odyssey, Black Gold, Solar storms, Dragon Force, Destiny Fantasy, Spartan Wars, King’s Empire etc. Meanwhile, we are also keeping in cooperation with Netease, snail, Digital Sky, Tap4fun, ETA and other companies.