成都閬品家飾裝飾工程有限公司是目前西南片區大專業的軟裝公司之一,是集家居及陳設設計為一體,面向高檔物業類型的地產開發商,消費群體,設計師的頂級軟裝公司。公司在現有近2000平米高級展示館的基礎上,即將在市中心開設“世閬家居藝術會館”(籌),進一步服務于成都社會的人群。 .“成都閬品家飾裝飾工程有限公司”將以于業內的優厚福利、幽雅的工作環境、廣闊的發展空間期待您的加入! .lpl takes an artisan's approach to design,thus,attracting a discerning,high-end clientele.with many years'experience lpl now has access to one of the best resources,carefully selecting and utilizing quality and one of the most stylish collection of furniture,fabric,decorations,flower art,landscaping materials,indoor and outdoor lighting,etc.we have established the furniture and decoration information center,presenting excellent and tasteful design concepts,providing our clients with a wide range of possibilities and all,round service. .the lpl team is highly qualified and multi-functional and includesdesigners from all over the world.