2008年內地著名建筑、景觀設計師:鄧明勇先生與香港建筑師呂勇先生在香港創立了明勇國際設計顧問有限公司,專注于設計項目。服務于市政、大型地產、建筑師事務所、酒店投資管理公司。在團體的合作下挑戰高難度的方案。2010年明勇國際在內地北京 上海 深圳 成都 設立分公司以團隊協作的方式將精品項目帶往每一個城市。
明勇國際設計顧問有限公司走在景觀、建筑、燈光等產業變革的前端,并與建筑師、室內設計師 地產公司擁有更多的默契,擁有對建筑空間與環境的深刻理解。為客戶提供佳設計解決方案,運用藝術的無限個性與表情,進行著對每一個項目的精彩詮釋。
Company introduction:
MingYong international lighting design consultant Co., LTD is a comprehensive company engaged in professional lighting design, interior and exterior lighting design and consultant, main business market for Asia, committed to the professional lighting field exploration and development, with international vision and experience, unlimited creative thinking and ideas, won the recognition of this and praise
By 2008, mainland China famous lighting designers: Mr. DengMingYong with Hong Kong famous architects in Hong Kong LvYong Mr MingYong established international lighting design consultant Co., LTD, focus on high-end lighting design project. Serve, large estate, architects, interior designers in groups of famous cooperation under the highest difficulty challenge.
MingYong international lighting design consultant Co., LTD in the front, light industrial transformation and architects, interior designers, real estate company have more understanding of architectural space with the profound understanding. Provide the best lighting solutions, use light infinite personality and expression, with the wonderful for every space. MingYong concept: with a minimum of energy to achieve the best effect of light.