全息高科(成都)有限公司(HoloTech Inc.)是一家業界專業全息互動投影展示和多媒體觸控技術設備代理,研發、銷售、廣告發布,租賃一體的高新科技公司。公司擁有一支知識新穎、技術先進、經驗豐富的**率的管理體系和高素質的專業技術團隊,擁有深厚質樸的企業文化底蘊;從事新產品軟硬件開發、系統集成和安裝調試。公司在觸控應用、電子互動沙盤、互動投影、虛擬現實、拼接融合、全息成像、觸摸查詢軟件等多媒體展覽展示技術積累了豐富的行業經驗。
本公司也是蘇州品美信息科技有限公司在西南地區唯一一家一級區域代理公司。品美信息科技有限公司(PMI Technologies Inc)是國際的互動技術與互動媒體解決方案提供商,前身是成立于2006年的泛普計算實驗室,由多位北航、中科院、留學歸國博士組成。公司擁有四項發明專利與數十項實用新型、軟件專利。
“Holo Group” – will be introduced at Q4 in 2011 or Q1 in 2012 which will contain 3 individual companies.
? 1. Chengdu HeYun Technology Inc. – opened at 2008, main business is Building(office & residence) Ai automation, surveillance, and lighting systems. Introduced LED Green lighting system in 2009. It has successfully accomplished many major projects including new office buildings, schools and government project.
? 2. Chengdu Holo-Tech High-Tech Inc. – opened at Oct 2010, which meant to solely focused on 1st provide full solution(design, product, installation) for Holographic display, interactive screen and 3D projection systems. The company has structured with R&D, software design, programming and customer service teams to give our clients long-term support and uninterrupted new product upgrade and application solutions. 2nd We will acquire and build locations(best in the city, up to 15 before 2011)throughout the region to install our interactive displays or big screens network systematically.
? 3. Holo Media Inc. -- it will be registered at Q2 in 2011,which to focus on advertising and equipment rental businesses that resulted from Holo-Tech’s development. It will manage Advertising locations(Touch Screens) we built throughout the region, and display units rental business.