成都思而科軟件有限公司(簡稱思而科)是由成都高新創新投資有限公司和美國silk software 公司共同投資的軟.件外包公司。由一批具有國際背景的信息技術人員與咨詢、顧問團隊組建而成的。憑借在眾多領域的開發經驗和強大.的技術支持,思而科一直致力于為**的公司和組織提供優質的軟件服務。.公司創立至今,我們專注于為歐美等國家和地區提供各類應用系統開發、技術咨詢業務,業務流程服務、解決方案.等。公司集國際化的管理與雄厚的技術力量于一體,以高素質的人才為依托、以技術為核心,為用戶提供實用、高.效、系統、個性化的解決方案和管理指導,幫助用戶不斷提升管理品質和競爭力。.公司在美國洛杉磯等幾大城市設立有分支機構,已擁有分布在各行各業的客戶群,并在業界享有較高的聲譽。. chengdu silk software co. ltd. (silk) which is invested by chengdu hi-tech investment group co. ltd and .us silk software corporation offers high-end international outsourcing services. it is one of the largest .outsourcing companies in chengdu. the company is built-up by the excellent technique team with international .background and experienced consultant team. . . since the company was founded, we have been absorbed in offering multiple services for european .countries or areas, such as various application system developing, technology consulting service, operation .flow service, etc. furthermore, the company is not only leading by a strong international management team, but it .is also concentrated on high technology research. our employees have high abilities to provide excellent, high-.effective, systemic and customized technique services to help our customers to increase and upgrade their own .management qualities.. there are also company branches which are located in big cities of u.s, such as l.a. we have already had .stable and multiple clients who are also well-known in it field.