成都威特尼軟件開發公司是美國加州硅谷公司(iomeeting, inc.)在中國的分公司,開發具有自主知識產權的網絡軟件產品及服務。公司為員工提供良好的工作環境及廣闊的職業發展空間。.at iomeeting, inc., we build next generation (web 2.0) collaboration platform, so that people can contact and cooperate with each other regardless where they are or what internet device they use..the software industry is changing from pc-centric to web-centric, iomeeting strategically targets itself to become a technology leader during this transition.. .iomeeting, inc., was incorporated in california, usa. our headquarter is in silicon valley, california, with development center in chengdu, china. we have launched our beta product in both usa (iomeeting) and china (iomeeting)..general requirements of engineers.english skills. - reading: should be able to read english books, online discussion and mailing list for latest technology. - writing: should be able to communicate in engilish using email and instant messenger.. - 英語四級以上 (六級優先,未過四級者請勿申請).programming skills:. - solid understanding of the concepts of object oriented programming. - clean and robust coding style. - good understanding of software development lifecycle and design methodology..fast leaner and hard working. - good problem solving skills, and being able to work independently. - work responsibly and dedicatedly.team player. - respect teammates, cooperate with others.education. - computer science, or related field. - bs, ms or ph.d (本科、碩士、博士) with 2+ years of experience.general benefits. - being able to work on cutting edge web technology. you will learn a lot!. - nice working environment, every employee has a laptop.. - competitive salary, based on experience.. - some employee may qualify for iomeeting's stock options after 6 months of service..at iomeeting, we create an environment so t