新圖擁有強大的自主研發實力,的生產設施,完善的質量保障體系和強大的專業銷售服務網絡。目前新圖CTP版材的年產能達1800萬平米以上。能提供短邊大尺寸不超過1450mm ;厚度0.15mm~0.40mm 的各規格版材,完全適用于市面上所有830nm 的紅外激光直接制版機。
We are Xingraphics, a leading manufacturer of digital printing plates as well as related chemistry. We export our products all over the world with the help of our strategic partners who market and support our solutions in their respective countries or regions. We provide an alternative solution to our customers and differentiate our solutions through our dedicated employees throughout our organization in China and in regions where we have direct representation as well as through our partners employees. We offer an informal work environment and all the challenges and rewards of working for a dynamic, flexible and focused international company.