加入快速成長中的xingraphics. 一起打造印刷界的國際品牌!. we are xingraphics, a leading manufacturer of digital printing plates as well as related chemistry. we export our products all over the world with the help of our strategic partners who market and support our solutions in their respective countries or regions. we provide an alternative solution to our customers and differentiate our solutions through our dedicated employees throughout our organization in china and in regions where we have direct representation as well as through our partner’s employees. we offer an informal work environment and all the challenges and rewards of working for a dynamic, flexible and focused international company..成都新圖印刷技術有限公司是**的數字印刷版材及相關化學藥劑制造商之一。公司擁有強大的科研實力,世界的生產設施,極為完善的技術服務體系,是國內首家擁有ctp版材的自主研發及生產能力的企業,我們的產品在**范圍內深受合作伙伴及客戶的信賴,正快速的被廣泛應用和推廣。