友諾仕 2013年菁才計劃
E-Except 除了真品,其余的我們都不銷售
U-Undeniable 無可爭辯的好品質
N-Natural 提供進口天然、純凈的優質礦泉水
O-Original 所售葡萄酒均源自精品酒莊的虔誠釀造
S-Strict 每一款產品都經過嚴格的甄選
「知識」→ 傳遞每一滴佳釀背后的傳奇
「信息」→ 傳播行業超前信息
「整合」→ 跨領域專業能力之串連與應用
「執行」→ 將夢想與理念付諸實踐之根本
友諾仕人,在工作里精進自己,在服務中學習成長。 誠摰歡迎對葡萄酒、進口飲品有熱情、有向往,并準備將專業與能力投入在工作中發光發熱的您,加入友諾仕的行列,與我們共同創造有樂事?友諾仕的愿景與精采!
關于我們 About Us
Chengdu Eunos Trading Co.,Ltd. is the region of wine, glass bottle of water importers, retailers and distributors in southwest of china.
Except supply solutions in all around, Eunos also provides any and all the wine needs comprehensive service system. From private wine tasting party to design cellars; whether you are the beginner or enthusiast, there is always one for you.
Eunos delivers the front-consulting service of intra-industry, and you can custom a table wine according to the southwest dishes. In addition, we also recommend the high quality wine, quality super Nordic glass bottles of water to the restaurant, sommeliers.
purchasing manager and club manager, and attentive service to these customers.
Besides, we also put the beverage retail to the private or bulk buying of corporate clients according to the clients’ required.
值得說明的是,我們也提供咨詢服務,如:酒單設計、投資咨詢和輔導品酒會It is worthy of that we also provide consulting services, such as:the wine list design, investment consulting and coaching wine tasting.
公司使命 Company Mission
Committed to being the most outstanding wine importers in Southwest of China.
Committed to working with the world-renowned wine producing region of superior quality, family owned wineries cooperation,different levels of carefully selected high quality wines.
Committed to the wine to be sold within the range of full-southwest-star hotels, fine dining restaurants, clubs and private clients.
Committed to play an active role in the wine market, to popularize the wine culture in the Southwest of China.
產品目錄 Product Catalog
Very honored with the highest quality wine boutique family on behalf of the world's well-known producing areas.
我們的葡萄酒來自8 個國家,超過100 個酒標,其中大部分都受到《葡萄酒鑒賞家》,《葡萄酒倡導者》,《葡萄酒愛好者》等的好評
Our wines from eight countries, more than 100 wine labels, most of which are affected by the Wine Spectator, Wine Advocate, Wine Enthusiast praise.
Our series of wine including Champagne & Sparking, rouge wine, rose wine, blanc wine, Sweet Wine.