成都業瑞房地產開發有限公司系新加坡SG GLOBAL(SG **)旗下全資子公司。SG GLOBAL是一家多元化跨國經營的世界級大型集團公司、公司股東分別來自于新加坡、印尼的大橡膠、棕櫚油生產商的集團、地產、金融、的多家跨國集團公司。公司的部分股東目前已在中國的上海、成都、青島、鄭州投資了數個全國性知名企業。
房地產是一個資本密集型產業,對資本的要求強度非常之大。資本代表實力,資本樹立品牌,因而資本也決定了樓盤的品質!通過數年的考察、調研,SG GLOBAL董事局決定強勢進入成都房地產市場,成立獨資并運作的專業房地產公司,專注開發高品質樓盤并持續經營。業瑞地產作為印尼和新加坡資本強強結合的全資子公司,實力自然非同一般!它的到來將在成都房地產界掀起新一輪的資本旋風! 目前公司已花巨資在成都CBD中心 — 騾馬市購得地塊,準備將其開發為成都超高層(155米或180米)的純住宅高品質樓盤(該樓盤雖位于繁華鬧市,卻又獨享幽靜一隅)。為保證樓盤內外設計和景觀的水準(新加坡標準),公司前期已投入大量成本和精力,通過長達幾個月的時間對國內外著名的建筑設計事務所進行投標篩選;后在綜合評價了設計產品、設計師的個人背景、結構設計隊伍的實力后,選定了兩家設計公司作為騾馬市項目的主設計單位。為了提高項目團隊的實力,公司將引進建筑與工程界的國際人才。該樓盤完工后,相信將會當之無愧成為成都市中心的新地標!項目預計在2008年上半年動工,請大家拭目以待!
Company Background
Chendu Yerui Property Development Company is a subsidiary of SG Global Group in Singapore. The Group has substantial investments in finance, property development, palm and rubber plantations (exceeding 4,500,000 mu) and other interests in China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. The Group’s exports to customers in the United States, the EU, China, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Australia and Singapore surpass US$700 million and it employs more than 20,000 staff.
On the Cutting Edge in Chengdu
Our group has been investing in Chengdu for more than 10 years and is constantly looking out for new business opportunities in the city and beyond. We have no doubt we will contribute to the growth of the real estate industry in Chengdu with our capabilities and resources.
Our first venture will be an iconic tower in the heart of the CBD that will introduce our residents to the elegance of city living. Our project team will harness the passion and creativity of Chengdu’s finest architect, the resoluteness of its most experienced engineers and the unsurpassed capabilities of world class consultants to create a superlative living space for our residents.
Project Information
Location : 正府街
Height : At least 50 Storey or 155M
Usage : Pure Residential of middle high to high quality.
Land Area : 13 mu