我廠專業生產各類塑料瓶、塑料包裝制品,包裝瓶,醫藥包裝瓶,塑料容品,塑料試劑瓶,化工瓶,塑料制品,注瓶模具,吹塑制品,PET瓶,噴霧瓶,化妝品瓶等,在塑料模具設計與制造方面實力雄厚,新產品開發能力強,能完成各種形狀、不同用途的藥用塑料瓶和化妝塑料瓶的產品設計與模具制造。產品質量好!價格優惠!交貨準時!有出口外銷經驗,可代客辦理遠程運輸服務。 產品暢銷全國各地,遠銷東南亞等國家、地區。
(I take charge of professional production, various plastic a bottle of plastic package products, package bottles and medicines are packed , plastics allow article, plastic reagent a bottle of chemical a bottle of plastic product and note a bottle of mould, blow to mould product , PET a bottle of spraying a bottle of cosmetics a bottle of etc., in the aspect of the design and manufacture of plastic pattern solid and strong, new product development ability is strong, can complete the medicine of various shapes and different uses independently to use plastic bottle and put on makeup mould manufacture and the products plan of plastic bottle. Product quality is good! Price is preferential! Delivery is punctual! There is the export experience of sale abroad, may handle long-range transportation service for guest. Product is selling strongly in nation-wide every place, sell the countries such as Southeast Asia , region.)