本公司是專業生產龍門臥式帶鋸機的廠家,專業應用于鋸切復合材料分片、紅酸枝木、柚木、紫檀、花梨等名貴木材,鋸路小,鋸切面光滑無鋸紋,速度快等特點。 該鋸床控制應用方面采用人機界面/plc/變頻器調速。憑借豐富生產經驗的累積,勤奮進取的豪達人,充分發揮團體意識和敬業精神,奮力拼搏。豪達人更是不斷吸取和借助系統的現代經營管理理念,以及先進的生產工藝流程,嚴格控制質量,加之**的售后服務,使公司生產的龍門臥式帶鋸機深受廣大客商的贊譽和青睞。聯系人:黃小姐13380277218
The company is specializing in the production of Longmen horizontal band saw machine manufacturers, professional application in cutting composite patch, red acerbity branch wood, teak, rosewood, rosewood and other valuable timber, saw, saw smooth section without saw lines, speed etc.. The sawing machine control application using man-machine interface / PLC / frequency converter. With rich production experience accumulated, industrious and enterprising - Master, give full play to group consciousness and the professional dedication, struggling to fight. Hao master is constantly absorb and use system of modern management concepts, and advanced production process, strict quality control, coupled with efficient after sale service, the company production of Longmen horizontal band saw machine by the majority of customers praise and favor. Contact person: Huang Guixiang 13380277218