上海晨興印刷有限公司成立于94年,從事印刷行業多年,主營工程畫冊印刷;產品樣本印刷;促銷宣傳單印刷;紙質手提袋印刷;展會海報印刷;機打無碳復寫聯單印刷;彩色電子產品說明書印刷;文件封套印刷;彩色不干膠印刷;信紙信封印刷;展會海報設計制作X展架 易拉寶;牛皮紙檔案袋;12色大幅面打印;等專業設計印刷服務。擁有嚴謹的內部管理、科學的質量管理體系。
電話:021-65065076 手機:13816250748(許經理) QQ:113738046
Shanghai Sunrise Printing Co., Ltd. was established in July 1994, engaged in the printing industry, preengaged in packaging printing, in recent years, in addition to some of the samples, DM, greeting cards and other commercial printing, mainly for the export production specification, design and printing paper products, recipes designed, large format printing, X banner stand roll up, album production and other professional production and processing units, has a complete and scientific quality management system.