印龍包裝制品有限公司是一家設計、生產、銷售為一體的民營企 業。主要以鋁箔沖壓制品為主。產品采用國際通用環保材料,符合歐 、美、中等國際衛生標準,通過了ISO,FDA,HACCP,SGS等認證。廣泛適用于食品廠、酒店、賓館、西餅屋及家庭等。
公司不斷開拓創新,以技術為核心、視質量為生命、奉用戶為上 帝,竭誠為您提供高質量產品。
始終以“誠信”為企業發展之根本。與時俱進,努力拼搏,使企 業在競爭中不斷完善,綜合實力不斷增強。真誠地希望能和國內外廣 大客戶建立良好的長久合作關系,共享發展。
Guangzhou YinLong packaging product Co.,Ltd is specialized in designing,producting,marketing aluminium foil products,paper printing,packaging professional private enterprise,The products are made by recycled and high quality materials which have reached the sanitation standard of USA,Europe,Japan,and China etc. The products are widely used in food factories,restaurants,hotels,coffee shops and families etc.
Our company endlessly to improve,with high technique and quality products to satisfy our customers.Enterprise developing on the basic of Honesty,always keeping pace with the time,making arduous efforts to improve enterprise comprehenisve strength,struggling for come true the great goal.