廣州聚茂五金塑料有限公司是一家致力于各種溫室花房和新型戶外建筑材料(遮陽棚,車棚,雨棚,窗棚等)的研發、生產、銷售、服務于一體的創新型企業。 公司坐落在廣州花都區獅嶺鎮,廠區面積7000多平方米。公司擁有設計人員,并在戶外家居和園藝用品方面有豐富經驗,能結合終端用戶特殊要求和實際情況設計出各種美觀、現代、實惠、環保,組裝方便的戶外家居和花園用品。
Guangzhou G-MORE Hardware Plastics Co., Ltd. is one of the leading companies in China providing a wide range of Hobby Greenhouse, carport, patio cover, rain awning, Garden kits, Metal sheds and solutions for other home living, hotels or resorts around the globe.
Employing an experienced staff of professional in planting and designing, G-MORE works closely with end users to assess their needs and objectives, to design various economic, environmental-friendly and efficient greenhouses and outdoor solutions. With years of development, the company has established a strong marketing network, covering more than 30 countries in the world, such as America, EU countries, Australia, Russia, Japan etc. With a mission to provide high quality products and services to customers, G-MORE will continuously do the utmost to develop and to improve itself.