眾躍本著眾志成城,飛躍夢想的思想為咱們們每一個環節找到佳解決方案。提供概念手繪創意、 品牌定位、外觀設計、結構研發、手板CNC、 SLA3D打印模具設計(制造)以及后期攝影精修,公司樣本冊、淘寶美工等一站式服務品牌策劃等專業服務。主要的產品包括洗衣機、凈水器、燙衣機、冷暖風機、移動空調等家用電器系列。并為客戶設計合理的生產線組裝程序,致力于把設計落實到產品上,以免為了創新而創新的盲目求異的設計。?
我們擁有一支專業產品設計團隊,以市場為導向,能夠準確把握設計定位,可為您量身設計具有自主知識產權的專利產品,讓您的產品更有賣點、更具競爭力,同時更適應目標市場; 我們擁有專業的產品研發團隊,可以幫助您解決結構設計、模具、注塑工藝、生產工藝、零部件采購等方面問題。
Brief introduction of company: Zhongyue industry design was established in 2010. We focus on small home appliance design service. We are located in Cixi City, Ningbo, Zhejiang Provice which is the industry zone of the small home appliance.
Zhongyue, we focus on every details of design process to find out the best solution for the product. Also we provide hand writing of design product, LOGO marketing service, appearance design, product construction design, mould design, mould manufacture, mock-up sample CNC SLA3D Printing, Photo- shooting and art design. When we design the product, we would think of the right assemble process to make the production line as reasonable as possible.
We have a professional product design team, as guided by market, we are capable of handle the right design taste. According to your design requirement we can develop the patent product for you. Making your product more competitive on the market. Also our team are capable of sourcing parts, moulding,assembling, help to find right injection suppliers for you, and so on.