ZAT Automobilitechnik Shanghai Co., Ltd, founded in 2004, with headquarter in Germany, is a globally acting leading sales organization.With approx 32 employees worldwide and the company’s responsible for approx 450 million Euro. For many years we have been dedicating ourselves to setting up bridges between OEM customers and excellent parts suppliers as well as promoting the implementation of new items and application of new techniques. In short, we take advange of company’s network distributed all over Europe, America, Japan and China and experienced technique and sales experts to help OEM customers to look for and support competitive suppliers. Meanwhile, we strive for new items for our partners (parts suppliers) and
help them to implement and accomplish these items.
ZAT 汽車技術咨詢(上海)有限公司成立于2004年,總部設在德國的斯圖加特, 是一家國際化的專業的汽車零部件銷售公司。作為一家跨國公司,ZAT充分利用在歐洲,美國,日本以及中國的銷售網絡,為我們的客戶開拓市場,爭取訂單,構建溝通的橋梁。**30多位擁有多年汽車行業專業背景與豐富的人脈資源的職業經理人所負責的銷售額超過4.5億歐元。