使命 / Our mission
INNORI is determined to gain smart gadgets and accessories leadership by offering basic products with unsurpassed reliability, innovative functionality and attractive design features.
事業 / Our business
1. 事業是按自己的理念,服務客戶需求,創造客戶需求。
Our business should serve and guide customer needs according to our own values.
2. 事業要以客戶感受的產品和體驗為中心,追求體驗一致、細節。
Our business should revolve around customers’ product and brand experience, seeking uniformity and perfect attention to detail.
3. 事業要面向**,不斷開拓新的領域和疆界,推動社會變革。
Our business should pursue the global market, with constant expansion into new frontiers, transforming consumer lifestyle.
組織 / Our organization
1. 組織要培養和吸收**好的人才和伙伴,彼此溝通、合作、尊重、信任。
Our organization should train and attract the world’s best talents and partners, with strong communication, collaboration, mutual respect and trust.
2. 組織要精簡,努力自我反省,追求**率、高分配。
Our organization should stay lean, constantly self-reflect, pursue high efficiency and high profit sharing.
3. 組織要講實力主義,實事求是,強調結果,賞罰分明。
Our organization should uphold a merit-based culture, act upon facts, be results-driven and present clear performance incentives.
個人 / Our people
1. 個人要認同組織的目標,從大局出發,成為有頭腦的經營者。
Our people should identify with organizational goals, keep the big picture in mind, operate independently and effectively.
2. 個人要有速度、激情、革新力和執行力。
Our people should move with speed, passion, innovation and strong execution.
3. 個人要不斷學習,快樂工作,并具有高的職業道德水平。
Our people should learn continuously, work happily, and maintain the highest work ethical standards.