In the April of 1992, PIKO Model Manufacturing Co. Ltd was found in Sonneberg, Germany with its founder Dr. René F Wilfer, who is now the General Manager of PIKO. The model train of PIKO has playing a leading role in toy industry as a world-famous product for more than fifty years. The products are known of its vivid imitation of reality and delicate details. Nearly every family or train fans in Europe and America has a PIKO product.
PIKO Asia Limited was founded in Hong Kong in 2005.
In May of 2007, with the need of development and huge interest of China market, PIKO set up its Chinese Branch in Xin Tang Road, Chao Lang Industrial Area, Dong Guan city. The Dong Guan branch mainly produces train models, which are all sold abroad.
The Dong Guan PIKO has the most advanced production equipments in the world, such as automatic spraying line, 2-6 color PadPrinting equipment, auto injection machine, advancing plate print down technology, which keeps the high quality of production. Company also has adopted advanced management model and owns capable managing talents and technicians. We would like to provide a comfortable and safe working and living environment and a good developing opportunity for every employee here. PIKO believes that the new economic times that lead by progressive technology will bring a great deal of long-term developing opportunity for China. Therefore we adopt Localize managing model to push company achievement to a new height with strategic policy in China and our advantages we have now.
Our company works 8 hours a day and 5 days a week. PIKO Dong Guan provides favorable condition for employees, including meals and dormitory, many kinds of insurance. In the factory there are reading room, Ping Pang room, chess room, TV room, basketball and badminton field for worker to use.
1992年4月, “PIKO玩具有限公司”于德國Sonneberg成立,它的創始人是PIKO總裁René F. Wilfer博士。50多年來,PIKO公司的模型火車一直是行業中的領頭羊,是**著名的生產商,其產品以其真實和細致地復制而聞名,幾乎歐洲和美國的每個家庭的鐵路愛好者都有PIKO的產品。
2005月于香港成立比高亞洲有限公司“PIKO ASIA LIMITED”。
2007年5月,因發展需要及對中國市場的榮厚興趣,東莞比高模型制品有限公司于東莞市茶山鎮超朗工業區新塘路口成立了中國分公司, 主力生產玩具火車模型,產品100%外銷。
公司實行5天8小時工作制,提供食宿,并為員工提供養老, 醫療及工傷保險, 使員工無后顧之憂,為提升員工的業余文化生活,在公司廠內并設有圖書室、乒乓球室、棋牌室、TV室、藍球場及羽毛球等娛樂設施。