華生創建塑膠五金有限公司是一家環境優雅、產品優質的港資企業。投資東莞市長安鎮,于1985成立,占地面積20000平方米。公司主要經營塑膠玩具、電子玩具及制品、塑膠五金制品,家用電子,醫療及保健電子產品。實行“品質**,顧客至上,持續改進,一次做好”的品質方針。在全體職工堅持不懈的努力下,華生創建不斷地發展、壯大。并于2002年通過了ISO9001:2000品質體系驗證。使用設備先進齊全,現有職工1000多名, 主要部門有人事、工程、裝配、電子、PMC、品質、啤機、貨倉、維修、工模等部門。公司堅持以人為本的用人理念,堅持唯才是用、唯才是舉的用人策略,為每一位員工提供廣闊的發展空間。
China Inspiration Limited was established in 1985, which concentrates on OEM & ODM projects. From a humble beginnings as a small OEM manufacturer, has grown into a major one specializing in plastics and electronics, we boast a broad range of products and a client base that includes some of the world’s largest wholesalers and retailers.
Operating out of Guangdong Province China, we supply our clients with services complete from design to final assembly and distribution. This consistency allows us to design and manufacture products that meet exact specifications, while ensuring we deliver a product that directly reflects the quality of the clients’ ideas and concepts.
As an OEM & ODM manufacturer we now produce a large and diverse range of products including:
Health Care Products
Household & Pet Products
Tools & Hardware
Lamps & Lighting
RF Products
Sporting Accessories
Specialty Products
Mechanical & Electronic Toys & Games
Water Filled Toys & Games
Infant Toys