BOAO Sports Goods Co.,Ltd was founded in 2003 covering an area of 10,000 square meters,. Our factory is professional to make research and manufacturer boxing and other fitness equipment. Main products include boxing, TKD, kick-boxing products and various kinds of professional sports equipment .and we had the authentication of ISO9001:2000.
We have the perfect setup so we can provide the best products in quality and best price. And we always guarantee the delivery in time so if you are interested in our any products please connect with us without any hesitation and give us a chance to serve you with our best and honest service.
We have engaged in exporting for several years and have good experience in export and other correlation things. We export our products all over the world, We always try our best to build a string and friendly relationship with our customer and giving them full feedback and always support and promote development of boxing ,to raise products fame gradually.
東莞市搏奧服裝有限公司是一家專業生產跆拳道服、柔道服、空手道服、合氣道服、劍道服、太極服 功夫裝 運動服 等各種高、中、低檔職業服飾為主導。集設計、開發、生產、銷售于一體服裝公司。至今已有十年服裝生產經念,現擁有先進流水線生產設備和技術人才,產品長年出口美國、韓國、日本、加拿大、德國、西班牙、東南亞等國家。