東莞市清溪精力仁五金模具制品廠成立于2000年。我廠專業從事精密五金模具設計制造?,F有廠房面積10000多平方米,員工160人,其中模具設計人員35人、工模技工80人、檢測人員5人。自建廠以來,本廠以“誠信為本,團結拼搏,科技創新,不斷進取”為宗旨。憑著優良的品質,現代化的設備,高素質的技術人才和良好的商業信譽,已贏得廣大客戶認同. 現已和多家大廠配合,如 廣州本田, 廣州豐田, 日產汽車, 武漢東風, 馬自達, 東南汽車…等。同時已有模具遠銷美國, 加拿大, 歐州…等地.
Press CAD專用軟件,模具加工設備已共發展為數控化:現有精密慢走絲線割機5臺、快走絲線割機12臺、CNC數控加工中心13臺、精密磨床等模具加工設備近40臺。
本廠實行全面質量管理,品質追求精益求精,已通過ISO9001:2000國際認證, 并將于2008年初通過ISO/TS16949。我們有能力為客戶完成從設計、加工的一站式服務。
“專業、專注、效率、力求好 ”是我們不懈的追求,我廠全體同仁竭誠為新老客戶提供更好的服務,歡迎廣大朋友的蒞臨合作。
Dongguan Jingliren Metals & Molds Manufacturer, established in year 2000, is a professional factory of designing and manufacturing stamped molds for automobiles, computer cases, and household appliances. Our products include stamping molds, progressive die, stage die,compound die and transfer molds. Currently, we have been OEM and cooperated with TOYOTA, HONDA, MAZDA, NISSAN…etc. And export our molds to USA, Canada, and European countries.
We are located in Dongguan City of Guangdong Province.With the area of about 10000 square meters, there are more than 160 staff members in our company. We boast 35 engineers who are experienced in this field for more than 10 years. Our company has advanced equipments, which include 5 sets of CNC machine center, 5 sets of EDM Wire Cutting machine (Fine Cut), 12 sets of EDM Wire Cutting machine (Coarse Cut), precision Grinder, 3-D Coordinate Measuring System…etc. The equipments guarantee high quality. We can make a new mold in 20-30 days.
“Profession, Focus, Efficiency and to be the best” are our mission. We are looking forward to building long-term business relationships with you based on mutual benefits. Welcome to visit our factory if you feel free at any time, we will be appreciate if you place a regular order with us, we will assure you the best quality,reasonable price,excellent service. Furthermore, We obtained the ISO 9001:2000 certificate in the year 2005, and will pass the TS/ISO16949 certificate at the beginning of the year 2008. If you are interested in our company, please don’t hesitate to contact us.