Our office was founded at the end of year 2005, we focus on shoes trading area and do our best to offer a win-win situation for both our customer and employee. On one side, we offer our customer the most fashionable shoes and the most fashionable feeling; on the other hand, offer our employee the most comfortable working environment. With its development, the firm now is very eager to invite the right candidate to take the following vacancies.
- 提供與錄用者能力相符合、具有市場競爭力的待遇;
- 提供國家法律規定的所有法定假期,有薪年假、婚假、產假等;
- 公司免費提供一日三餐,中西自助餐任選;
- 公司為員工提供住房補貼;
- 公司每天為員工上下班提供穿梭巴(固定站點);
- 按法律規定辦理社會保險;
- 按法律規定辦理住房公積金;
- 帶薪年假(首年5個工作日,之后每多做滿1年,增加1天,多10天);
- 額外提供補充商業保險待遇.