我司是一家美籍華僑投資的企業,成立于1984年, 總部位于美國,主要從事飾品行業. 2008年, 我司在中國香港及東莞長安設立分公司,主要為美國總部在華采購物資并拓展業務增加世界營銷量.
香港分公司受美國總部影響, 一向注重團隊精神,在這里你可以學到更好的標準美式英語與良好的寫作方式,更可以了解展新的經營方式; 公司注重員工福利,辦公環境優美,寬敞的宿舍套間,優質的6菜伙食,社保制度,假期多,傭金多等等; 為了豐富員工業余生活, 公司還特設羽毛球隊, 登山隊, 棋藝隊等等社團.
Company Profile
Lauren-Spencer, a fashion jewelry company was founded in 1984 by a Chinese American immigrant in USA. In 2008, the President expanded their office to HK and China office to give them a better access to China Resources.
Being a Chinese-American company, our company standards are influenced by our Mother company in USA. We focus on team spirit, and teach the Chinese-American way of doing business. Our company care much on the welfare of employees. We offer a modern, spacious, and clean office environment which includes spacious dormitory suites, superior catering services, Activity room, and social insurances to all members . We even have team leaders for social activities such as badminton, ma-jiang, outdoor and other outdoor events.
Please come join our company and have fun and grow with us.