VTR Language Training Institute
Is a professional and reputable international foreign language institute. We strive to provide our students with the most caring, responsible and effective language learning environment in Chang'an and surrounding areas.
Since its establishment in July 11, 2005, the formerly named "McGill English Education Center" has provided successful English training to well over 20,000 students in and outside our school. Thanks to our professional administration, management qualified teaching staff and supportive students, we are now considered the most sought after English training center in Chang’an.
To meet the growing demand for Japanese language, and to support China in becoming a truly global player, we have since early 2007 added Japanese language to our training curriculum, and officially renamed the school to VICTOR International Language Institute (or ViLi). In addition, we also offer foreigners standard Chinese Mandarin program taught by English and Japanese teachers who are qualified to teach standard Mandarin.
Our teaching philosophy can be summarized by 3 I's - “Informative”, “Interactive” and “Interesting”.
Our classrooms provide the most conducive learning environment possible (sufficient lighting, air-conditioned, sound-proof, and good quality sound system). The average class size is only 15-20.
Our programs are designed to suit all levels from absolute beginners to advanced levels, and to both adults and children learners.
For lower level students, we make sure to strengthen the students’ basic foundation by emphasizing on grammar, phonetics, pronunciation and simple practical phrases; from intermediate and higher level students, we emphasize on listening, speaking, discussion and interactive communication skills.
We believe that:
“The limit of your language defines the limit of your world”
We are convinced that:
“If you can speak Chinese, you already have the potential to speak another language well!"
Come and find out how we can help you master a second language of your choice!
Learn standard English, Japanese and Mandarin only at VICTOR Interntaional Language Institute!
New Japanese Classes
Our new Japanese Language Classes start in the new year (2007).
The new program is designed for all levels, from beginner (lower, upper), intermediate (lower, upper) to advanced level. For more information, please visit our school, and take part in the placement test to determine your actual level.
At ViLi, we hire only the best teacher to teach!
“只要你有說好漢語的能力,你就已具備了學(xué)好外語的潛力 。”