we, our company is a leading global apparel importing company, u.k. base. and covering e.u.&u.s.a.; markets. our main items are sweaters, cut and sew & jackets. our branch office is located in dalang town ,dongguan city.more information, please see our mother company website : bydesignllc .(我們公司主要出口毛衫和針織產品,出口歐洲為主,覆蓋歐洲、美國市場,我們的辦事處位于東莞市大朗鎮。如若了解更多的信息,請訪問我們母公司的網站:bydesignllc) .we are looking for the qualified persons with fluent english communication( speaking , writing ,reading) and good experiences in the concerning fields (for europe markets specially).. .(本公司需要以下的精英加盟,要求:英語說、寫、讀流利,豐富的相關歐洲市場經驗).1.在同行業工作經驗. .2.英語水平熟練,流利的聽,說,讀,寫能力,能獨自和外國人交流 .3.請附上英文簡歷,由外國經理篩選,面試. .注:條件不符者請勿投簡歷,謝謝!