東莞市志勝實業有限公司成立于2009年6月,成功通過ISO9001:2008質量管理體系、UL、ROHS、REACH、PAHS、FDA等系列認證。公司聚集多名行業技術水平,采用國內外先進技術及進口原材料和生產設備集研發、生產、銷售服務于一體!專業研發生產無溶劑聚氨酯(PU)和環氧樹脂二次加工的高新企業,使聚氨酯(PU)技術應用處于國內的水平。經營產品 :聚氨酯(pu)透明軟硬膠、灌封膠(防水防潮導熱)、粘接膠、阻燃膠、建筑的密封。環氧樹脂:光電膠、電子灌封料表面披覆、AB膠粘劑、固化劑、水晶滴膠。 應用領域:戶外量化、電子灌封、線路控制板、膜粘接、水晶標牌(銘牌)、透明防水灌封、粘接等特殊行業,適用于硬燈條、點光源、耳機、喇叭、過濾水膜、變壓器、電容器、寶石飾品、及運動器材等領域,起到絕緣、保護、密封、粘接、防腐及裝飾作用,合成膠粘劑并提供小批量試用供貨。公司理念:志勝奉行“ 尊重人才、器重技術、看重團隊、著重發展”的方針,不斷開拓創新,我們相信通過我們的不斷努力和追求,一定能夠實現與企業的互利共贏!公司地址:東莞市橫瀝鎮六甲工業區公司電話:0769-81017233公司傳真:0769-81017266 愿與新老朋友攜手共創美好未來!
The ZhiSheng Industrial Limited Company of DongGuan was founded in June, 2005, with congregates high-end technologies of the same industry. It mainly engages in the secondary processing of epoxy resin adhesive and polyurethane(PU). The company has thousands of square meters in size with first-rate equipments and advanced manufacturing techniques. Moreover, we have excellent research and marketing teams working with us. The epoxy resin adhesive is widely used in storage battery, brush products, electronic embedment and pouring industries and so on. While polyurethane(PU) is popularly applied in outdoor advertising, lighting project and building materials. Our company is founded based on the belief of honesty, profession and efficiency, building our own unique enterprise culture, whose aim is to satisfy our customers, improve the quality of our products as well as provide with superior service in this area.Wish both our new and old friends a better future.