善正源皮具有限公司座落在“北 上 廣”之中的熱鬧繁華的一線城市廣州花都,善正源是一家專業以設計研發,生產,銷售為一體的臺資合資生產型企業,主營戶外登山雙肩包、兒童學生包、胸包、書包、商務電腦包、旅行商務包,休閑戶外包、各類品牌手袋,拉桿箱包為主合資經營商家,企業現擁有完整、科學的ISO9001-2015 質量管理體系。善正源箱包皮具廠現有生產流水線,多名資歷的老員工及的普通員工,給公司帶來了有效的經濟利益。工廠的材料都是老板親自到皮革城挑選的定制原材料,嚴格把關,所以每次都能給客戶滿意的答復,公司秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶**”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。同時也非常歡迎來樣定制,統一聯系電話:15012699113.
(Guangzhou city is the source of good leather Co. Ltd. is a professional production and processing company, has a complete and scientific quality management system. Guangzhou city is the source of good leather Co. Ltd. of integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry. The company can customize products mainly children's bags, backpacks, handbags, etc., distribution agents, stalls retail wholesale, welcome friends from all walks of life to come to visit, guidance and business negotiation.)