公司簡介.我公司集生產和貿易于一體,經營貓砂、寵物用品和寵物玩具的生產加工和出口貿易,其中貓砂是我公司的主打產品。.我公司位于中國遼寧省大連市,以資源豐富的中國東北為依托,公司合作礦山2座,員工500人,年產量10,000噸,貓砂種類有15種,包裝品牌有35種,并可代為客戶設計制作包裝品牌。通過在大連港口建立以生產加工、銷售、包裝、運輸、售后服務為主要業務的生產加工銷售基地,并借助港口便利的服務體系,保證了產品的優良質量和及時準確的交貨期,避免由于內陸運輸而使產品包裝的破損,并給客戶提供了完善的售后服務。.我公司生產的貓砂質優價廉,已經遠銷日本、新加坡、馬來西亞、、香港等國家和地區,得到海外各經銷商的好評,享有很高的信譽。貓砂種類和包裝的多樣化,方便客戶在貓砂種類和包裝上有多種選擇,可以靈活針對各種消費群體,增加市場的占有率,增加產品銷售數量,減少倉庫庫存費用。在貓砂眾多種類里木粉砂是我公司首推貓砂,特點是比重較輕,可做燃燒垃圾處理,其主要成份是木屑和粘土,它是破碎型粘土砂的換代產品?,F在我公司在鞏固并擴大目前銷售渠道的同時,還積極聯系歐美國家的經銷商,以期將我們的產品打入歐美市場,拓寬我們公司產品的銷售渠道,以擴大我公司的生產經營規模,獲取更多的經濟效益。.我們公司的名稱“沙美”取自英文“summit”,意思是“超越極致,追求”-----這正是我們公司全體員工工作的目標。我們產品的每一次細節的改進、我們為客戶提供的每一次細心誠實的服務,我們公司全體員工都在力求您們的滿意!我們的使命就是為您和您的寵物提供的產品和服務!pany introduction.our company is gathering with production and trade, management cat sand, pet gear and pet toy production and process and export trade, among them cat sand is main products of our company..our company located in daliancity, liaoning province, china, rely on abundant resource of the northeast of china, there are two cooperation ore hill, 500 staff, ten thousand ton annual produce. there are 15 kinds of cat sand, 35 kinds of packing brand, and replace customer to design package brand. through on dalian port established production and process, sale, package, transportation, sold out service as main business production and process base, and borrow the convenient service system, ensuring the product good quality and in time delivery time, avoiding due to inland transport lead to the package breakage, and providing perfect sold out service for customer..our company productive cat sand possess good quality and low price, have been sold to japan, singapore, malaysia, taiwan, hong kong, etc. countries and regions, received good opinion by overseas dealer, had high reputation. the variety of cat sand and package that provide the convenience on variety choice of cat sand and package for customer, could flexibility aim at consumer group, increase the market possess rate, enlarge the product sale quantity, reduce the warehouse store fee. among the variety cat sand, wooden power sand is our company firstly introduced cat sand, its feature is relative light, could deal with combustion garbage, which main component is wooden and slime, it’ s the replace production of broken slime sand. now, while our company is solidifying and expanding the present sale ditch, and connecting europe-america dealer in order to bring our production into europe-america market in the future, expand the sale ditch of our company product, to enlarge the produce and management scope of our company, to achieve more economy benefit..the name of our company “shamei” comes from the english “summit” means “surpass utmost, pursue perfect” ┄┄┄┄ this is our company all staff aim. every time improve detail of our product, our provided every time careful and honesty service for customer, our company’s all staff strive for your satisfaction! our duty is to provide perfect production and service for you and your pet!