大連時拓威軟件有限公司成立于2008年,在極具挑戰的商業環境中,它把有著30多年的**軟件解決方案開發經驗的公司轉型為盈利的軟件公司。 在時拓威,我們致力于專注。雖然我們提供多樣化的 IT 服務,但是我們專注于銷售渠道中合作伙伴之間的銷售激勵返點市場。我們管理的返點程序,要優于現在市場中任何一款解決方案。 憑借著我們與所有高新技術供應鏈的聯系經驗,和我們以產品為基礎——獨特的應用框架的作用下,時拓威提供著專屬的解決方案。不論是從新興的高新技術企業,或是**大型企業,我們都會為他們提供優質的專屬服務。
Time to Value Software (T2VSoft) was founded in 2008 in Canada by a veteran of over 25 years in the most demanding public and private corporate IT environments, experiencing rapid global corporate growth from millions to billions in revenue and keeping IT in sync with the business to help drive incremental value month over month.At T2VSoft we understand that the key to high-performance IT is simple: establish a rhythm of never missing extremely aggressive delivery dates for undisputable business value and surround yourself with people that can sustain it. With the business developing, we need more talents on software development and business analysts.