A Quarter Century of UV Light Curing Technology and Innovation
Originally founded as the American Chemical and Engineering Company in January 1980, the company has evolved into DYMAX Corporation, an ISO 9001:2000 certified, world-class leading manufacturer of 100% solvent-free UV light curing industrial adhesives and light curing systems for the medical, electronic, optical, glass, plastic, metal, masking, and packaging OEM markets worldwide.
Inc. 5,000 recognizes DYMAX Corporation as one of the fastest-growing companies in the U.S.
Andrew G. Bachmann, founder and Chairman, receives CDMA "Award of Executive Excellence"
DYMAX receives UCONN "Family Business of the Year Award"
A Quarter Century of Innovation An overview of DYMAX Corporation
In the Fall of 2006, DYMAX Corporation moved to a new 100,000 square-foot facility in Torrington, Connecticut. Current President, Greg Bachmann, is confident that the new facility will support current and projected growth into the next decade. Today, DYMAX has over 200 employees globally with additional facilities in Germany and China. Over 30 years after incorporation, the DYMAX mission remains the same:
DYMAX makes manufacturers more efficient.
DYMAX solutions maximize assembly process efficiencies by increasing throughput, enhancing quality, conserving energy, improving safety, and reducing environmental impact."
From the design phase through performance testing, DYMAX personnel routinely assist manufacturers in solving their most complex application problems. With an innovative R&D staff, experienced applications engineers, technically-proficient sales managers, and a knowledgeable customer support team, DYMAX is dedicated to providing cost-saving assembly and coating solutions to manufacturers in today's highly competitive environment.
戴馬斯公司是一家獲得ISO9001質量認證的**知名的紫外線膠水、設備制造商. 膠水廣泛應用于電子工業產品的覆膜,粘合,封裝,灌裝,掩膜及密封上,符合環保要求。戴馬斯公司也提供一整套相匹配的紫外線及可見光固化設備。公司總部在美國,在上海、新加坡成立了研發中心。