IKEA Manufacturing (Dalian) Co., Ltd is located in Economic and Technical Development Zone of Dalian. The factory site of Dalian IKEA covers 37,000 square meters, having about 1000 employees nowadays. There are modernized warehouses, equipments, together with clean and comfortable working environment. It started to manufacture officially on 16th Nov, 2006, mainly in a serial of more than 40 kinds of classic POANG, rocking chairs, knitted chairs, swivel chairs, lying chairs and footstools, etc. The yearly production is more than 1 million pieces. “To be the leading manufacturer of couch POANG serials” is our perspective.
大連宜家家俱制造有限公司位于渤海之濱的大連經濟技術開發區,是瑞典宜家集團全額投資建設在中國規模大的生產基地。工廠占地面積3.7萬平方米,現有員工近千人。工廠有著現代化的產房和設備以及干凈舒適的工作環境。工廠2006年11月16日正式投產運營,主要生產經典波昂: 搖椅、編織椅、轉椅、躺椅、餐椅及腳凳等波昂系列產品,產品種類40多種,年產100多萬件,“成為世界的波昂系列手椅制造商”是企業的愿景。